Efectos de la formación universitaria del gerente de pymes familiares en la motivación laboral del empleado

  1. Antonio José Carrasco Hernández
  2. Ángel Luis Meroño Cerdan
European Journal of Family Business

ISSN: 2444-877X

Année de publication: 2011

Volumen: 1

Número: 1

Pages: 35-51

Type: Article

DOI: 10.24310/EJFBEJFB.V1I1.5033 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

D'autres publications dans: European Journal of Family Business


The role of CEO is essential in family business. Numerous investigations have shown a positive relationship between the improvement of the company and the amount of training manager. No such relationship has been examined for the degree of work motivation. Therefore, in this study was to evaluate the effect of the CEO's education level in the degree of work motivation of employees, as well as its effect on the development of sustainable competitive advantages in the SME family. The empirical study found that the motivating po tential of the post varies according to CEO's education level. Thus, the motivation on the job is higher in family business with a manager with high training, when increasing the degree of autonomy, feedback, and the significance of work for the employee. Finally, the performance of the organization is greater, increasing the training manager and the motivation of the work

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