Azorín, escritor de emotividades
- Almela Pérez, Ramón
- David Prieto García-Seco Director
- Elvira Manero Richard Director
Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Murcia
Fecha de defensa: 07 de xuño de 2023
- Julio Borrego Nieto Presidente/a
- Ana Luisa Baquero Escudero Secretaria
- Pedro Álvarez de Miranda Vogal
Tipo: Tese
The “literary” is not unrelated to the “linguistic”. Since the beginning, we have consid-ered approaching Azorín’s work in a scientific way, more specifically, in a scientific-linguistic way. It is known that what differentiates every science is not its object of study, but its perspective instead. Azorín’s work is literary, but I have studied it from a linguistic point of view; that is, I have handled linguistic categories. I have discovered the meanings in Azorín’s writings thanks to the lexemes, sentences and texts. The core of this work consists of showing that Azorin’s literature is emotion. What do his texts designate? The treatment of time, things, complicity with the reader, rhythm, irony, etc, show that Azorín’s literary production is infused with emotivity. Logically, from the epistemological and theorical points of view, we have not tried to explain -let alone define- what emotion is; for the most basic concepts, we have relied on the opinions of specialists in two different, convergent fields: neuroscience and psy-chology. The method followed in the production of this thesis has consisted of combining semasiology and onomasiology. These are complementary, non-antithetical semantical methods: «semasiology is defined by its opposition with onomasiology». Onomasiolo-gy is closer to the referent, while semasiology is closer to meaning: «Onomasiology faces its problems from the point of view of the speaker, who must choose between different means of expression. Semasiology faces its problems from the point of view of the lis-tener, the intelocutor who must determine the meaning of the words which are heard, among all the possible meanings». The epistemological foundation assists both routes equally; they diverge along the way, in their method, but they intertwine to explain the facts of the language in a linguistic way. Firstly, we have searched for the lexical and textual meanings in Azorín’s words related to emotion; besides, we have provided the conceptual foundations of said meanings. The objective of the constant exchange be-tween onomasiology and semasiology has been trying to narrow the breach between truth and plausibility. Along with the fundamental concepts, we have included the opin-ions of scholars on the subject of Azorín’s work. Since we are trying to discover the meaning of Azorín’s words, we let him speak truth- and then we interpret -plausibility-. Hermeneutics is essential, necessary, unavoid-able; but we must not forget that «interpretation is always a supplantation, and never the text itself». We have tried to move «Per minima ad maxima», since we understand that the whole is contained in the part, that the substance is in the accident and that the de-tails are at the core. This presumption must be confirmed: that is a universal task. Letting Azorín speak is specified in a great number of the over 4,900 quotes which appear as footnotes in this thesis, extracted from all the books classified as Azo-rín’s work: 142 titles, over 18,000 pages, and over 9,200 available. These quotes were subjected to the logical process of 1) anotation, 2) selection, 3) structuring, 4) analysis and 5) interpretation. The abundance of quotes is not inane, but is makes the conclusion more solid, since it closes cracks to coincidende or bad practice. The quotes themselves maybe say something that the author was not aware of saying. We have tried to keep Azorín’s words as exempt as possible of superfluous comments.