Secciones para la mujer en la prensa franquistaanálisis del diario murciano Línea (1939-1959)

  1. Navarro Caravaca, Joaquín
Supervised by:
  1. Cristina Roda Alcantud Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 19 June 2023

  1. Antonio Irigoyen López Chair
  2. Ángel García García Secretary
  3. Francisco Franco Fernández Committee member
  1. Modern, Contemporary and American History, History of Thought and Social and Political Movements

Type: Thesis


The aim of this research work is to discover what kind of woman the Murcian press promotes between 1939 and 1959. To search, find and define, according to the Franco regime, the ideal woman in the press of the movement. To continue advancing towards a path that allows us to have a more rigorous knowledge about women, especially those that the Franco regime wanted to channel to the benefit of the new regeneration of the homeland sunk by the war disaster. As for the specific objectives, the following have been proposed: Origin of the newspaper Arriba and Línea Nacional Sindicalista. Analysing the practices in the first stage of Franco's regime and investigating the formation of behaviour and ideological persuasion. To know the importance that the newspaper gave to the messages in its sections about women. After the results obtained, to verify the value attributed to them. Finding out what type of social fabric it was aimed at. The analysis of the relations between women and men in the forties and fifties. To obtain data through oral sources, which clarify the reality that those women lived. The objective of the present work is to discover what type of woman the Murcian press promoted between 1939-1959. To search, find and define, according to the Franco regime, the ideal woman in the press of the Movement. As for its methodology, in order to write this thesis, it has been necessary to address some points and take some decisions that will illuminate the process to follow. In the first instance, we have to establish work boundaries that will allow us to favour the work. On the other hand, to specify the approach to be adopted with respect to the figure of women, and finally, to establish a suitable organization that would allow us to coordinate the different sources in the final composition. On the one hand, the consultation in the Municipal Archives of Murcia (AMM), with an effective historical analysis erects its own time limits. Once the information has been reached and analysed, the research has been structured in two sections. The first, dedicated to women in the care environment, and the other, to women who found the mission of forming a family and a happy home environment. In addition, there have been people who have contributed graphic documents and their testimonies for the most complete methodology of the research. In conclusion, we can comment that we have tried to provide new ways of research for the study of women, from that unconditional support that she provided in all sectors, which allowed her to be during the war and later with Auxilio Social, through a childhood in which she was carefully educated from the beginning to get to form the future mothers of the saviours of the homeland. The bet on young women who need to contribute their energies and time, will be clearly seen through the compulsory Social Service. But the most remarkable thing is not to investigate women only from the prism of the home environment, but to investigate a little more in the private, that is, from the family environment itself, which is moulded and guided by the mothers. Marriage was the main device in the social order, but at the end of the fifties, through the Linea diary, we will analyse whether or not there was a mental change in the figure of women with respect to their position with their husbands.