Vacuum mapimplicaciones poéticas del vacío cuántico
- Sánchez Román, Antonio
- Bernardo Pérez Andreo Director/a
- Miguel Ángel Hernández Navarro Director
- Pablo d'Ors Director/a
Universidad de defensa: Universidad de Murcia
Fecha de defensa: 18 de noviembre de 2022
- Vicente Llamas Roig Presidente/a
- Sylvia Molina Muro Secretario/a
- Elías Miguel Pérez García Vocal
Tipo: Tesis
This doctoral thesis makes a mapping of the poetic implications of the quantum vacuum. It starts from the hypothesis that it is possible to find conceptual relations between the quantum vacuum and the poetics of the vacuum. The method used has an interdisciplinary perspective that combines: a comparative study, a performative research and a phenomenology-hermeneutics. The results allow us to confirm the existence of a series of poetic keys with which Vacuum map is configured. In the comparative study, an explanation of the elementary principles of the quantum vacuum is carried out. Subsequently, an introduction to the poetics of the vacuum is presented, where the essential concepts on this subject are collected. From these two conceptions, the comparative is developed, in which some points of connection are found that serve as nodes or coordinates for the cartography. Thus, a first approach to the poetic implications of the quantum vacuum appears, with which the construction of the map is based. Once the foundations have been established, the researcher's perspective is taken into consideration by means of an autoethnographic narrative. This perspective provides us with an insight into the experience surrounding the poetics of the vacuum. The method of approaching the observer has been pointed out as performative research, since it contemplates the processes of creation in which subjectivity is 'performated'. In addition, there is a stage practice, in the form of a performative lecture, in which the participants are initiated into the language with which the void is mapped. The next step in the structure is a phenomenology-hermeneutics that allows us to situate these elements in an orderly fashion. In this way, a series of paths of understanding, or movements, through the accumulated information is organized. New meanings are also pointed out that derive from an integral approach by which different areas of the human sciences are included. A form of implied order that leads us along a descending -deconstructive- path until we reach the core of the question: the quantum vacuum. The results obtained lead to a synthesis of the poetic implications of the quantum vacuum, by which the hypothesis -there are relations between these two fields of meaning- is confirmed. Likewise, some of the possible applications of this knowledge, such as existential analysis, methodological study and quantum research, are collected. Finally, it can be said that we find ourselves before the 'story' of a map that provides us with a logic with which to enter the unknown that is the void.