Respuesta a la estimulación ovárica mediante FSH (folltropin®) y rendimiento de OPU en vacas adultas obtenidas por diferentes técnicas de reproducción asistida

  1. Morera-Jiménez, Alba 1
  2. Velasco-García, Elena 1
  3. Herás, Sonia 1
  4. Romero-Aguirregomezcorta, Jon 1
  5. Ruiz, Salvador 1
  1. 1 Dpto. Fisiología. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad de Murcia
Anales de veterinaria de Murcia

ISSN: 0213-5434 1989-1784

Année de publication: 2022

Número: 36

Pages: 47-64

Type: Article


D'autres publications dans: Anales de veterinaria de Murcia


The aims of this study were to perform an ultrasound monitoring of bovine ovaries to check the follicular response of adult heifers born by different assisted reproduction techniques (ARTs), after applying an ovarian stimulation protocol with FSH (Folltropin®); and determine the reproductive efficiency of the animals included in the study, analyzing the quantity and quality of the oocytes obtained by ultrasound guided follicular aspiration (Ovum Pick-Up, OPU) before and after the stimulation protocol used. The experiment was performed in the facilities of the bovine sanctuary of the Veterinary Teaching Farm of the University of Murcia. The four heifers included in the study were obtained by different ARTs: 1) artificial insemination (AI) and, 2) embryo transfer. The embryos used for ET were either produced in vitro in either conventional media or in media supplemented with natural fluids (follicular and oviductal). The animals were stimulated for 5 weeks by means of a protocol that consisted of the administration of GnRH and later, FSH (Folltropin®, 350 IU/animal) for 3 days in decreasing doses. Once a week, at the end of the ovarian stimulation protocol, an ultrasound exam of the ovaries and an OPU were performed to check the response to the stimulation protocol and to determine the number of follicles and oocytes obtained after the OPU and their quality. Prior to the stimulation with FSH, the cows were echographied and underwent OPU for 3 weeks without ovarian stimulation as a control group. In this study, we were able to evaluate the response to the ovarian stimulation protocol tested, and to determine the reproductive efficiency of the animals in terms of the number of follicles aspirated, the quantity and the quality of the oocytes obtained by OPU.

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