Aportes del personalismo ontologico moderno a la bioética personalista

Dirixida por:
  1. Juan Manuel Burgos Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 23 de xaneiro de 2019

  1. Urbano Ferrer Santos Presidente
  2. Juana Sánchez-Gey Venegas Secretario/a
  3. Rogelio Rovira Madrid Vogal

Tipo: Tese


Abstract: Modern Ontological Personalism has been developed with the anthropological foundation of K. Wojtyla and the contributions of Juan Manuel Burgos; It is presented as a novelty within personalism, which manages to integrate the metaphysical development of the classical tradition and the anthropology of modernity, rethinking the categories from the person and to the person. Modern Ontological Personalism contributions to personalist bioethics, mainly to the proposal of E. Sgreccia, the anthropological bases to face the criticism that currently has. Because it helps to solve epistemological problems before the variety of sources of foundation; rethink the metaphysical categories that he has taken from the Aristotelian-Thomist tradition, to make an update from personalism. The doctoral thesis Modern Ontological Personalism studies to build some contributions for personalist bioethics; the categories of human life, human nature and person are analyzed in the personalist biography from Modern Ontological Personalism. At the same time, an application of the components was made by the Modern Ontological Personalism, to the biographical problem of the anthropological status of the human embryo from the personalist turn, going through the "what is" a human embryo for "who is", with the purpose of highlighting the proper of the person in the embryonic state.