Formación y deformación de las γνῶμαι y las παροιμίαι en el drama ático: el caso de Eurípides y Aristófanes

  1. Alba Boscà Cuquerella
Tycho: revista de iniciación en la investigación del teatro clásico grecolatino y su tradición

ISSN: 2340-6682

Year of publication: 2021

Issue: 7

Pages: 7-20

Type: Article

More publications in: Tycho: revista de iniciación en la investigación del teatro clásico grecolatino y su tradición


This article analyses the differences between two types of short sapiential expressions: γνώμη and παροιμία. This is the necessary preliminary step to carry out the central aim of the work: constitution, use and deformation of γνῶμαι and παροιμίαι within a specific literary context, the Attic drama, focusing on two authors: Euripides, the most gnomic author par excellence, and Aristophanes, famous by his particular use of these expressions, particularly the παροιμίαι. Thus, on the one hand, we will expose the different methods and grades of adaptation of a γνώμη or παροιμία in these two authors; on the other hand, we will analyse how the constitution and deformation of these expressions has an effect on the meaning within the context. Since these expressions are such a fossilised resource, are they therefore less παροιμίαι or less γνῶμαι? Do these modifications imply a suppression of their recognition as such resources?