Análisis de la formación profesional en el municipio de Cartagenacaminando hacia la inclusión educativa y laboral

  1. López Barrancos, Sergio
Supervised by:
  1. Andrés Escarbajal Frutos Director
  2. Juan Navarro Barba Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 14 July 2022

  1. Pilar Arnaiz Sánchez Chair
  2. María Pilar Cáceres Reche Secretary
  3. Juan José Leiva Olivencia Committee member
  1. Didactics and School Organization

Type: Thesis


This research work on Vocational Education and Training meets the criteria established for a Doctoral Thesis within the framework of Doctoral Studies at Spanish Universities. Its principal aim is to analyze Vocational Education and Training in the area of Cartagena as a perfect medium to promote educational, working and, therefore, social inclusion. For this, both a theoretical-reflexive and empirical approach has been carried out, structured in several chapters. The first chapter conceptualizes and analyses school failure, absenteeism, school drop-out, their multidimensionality and the different factors and variables influencing them. The second chapter emphasizes the importance of Dual Vocational Education and Training due to the bidirectionality with companies in training, among other reasons. Moreover, it is mainly highlighted the professional guidance when students are taking decisions about their adulthood. In the third chapter it is mentioned and reviewed all the regulations referring to Vocational Education and Training, both at the state and the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia level. The fourth chapter is based on methodology, explaining the research issue; their general and specific objectives; the descriptive non-experimental quantitative design; using, as a data collection tool, a questionnaire, validated by recognized experts in the researching field, composed of 51 items and structured in four dimensions: organization and effective functioning of Vocational Education and Training, teaching methodology used by teachers, general assessment of Vocational Education and Training and the perception of Dual Vocational Education and Training. Before collecting the data, a pilot study was carried out to review the tool and check its reliability and validity. As far as reliability is concerned, a Cronbach’s alpha of .88 was obtained and considered as good-excellent, improving the pilot data. Moreover, the Composite Reliability indexes and MacDonald’s omega were excellent, with figures of .85 and .91, improving the data again. Within the seventeen high schools of the area of Cartagena subsidized with public funds, sixteen participated in the study. The sample under study was 211 respondents, 23.22% belong to concerted schools and 76.77% to state schools. As a result, it is highlighted that the use of ICT in Vocational Education and Training classrooms is a common tool. It is also considered by teachers as effective in the teaching-learning process and a remarkable help updating to new work environments. It shows that the assessment of teachers about the initial training, received to develop their role of tutoring, is high. Even more so if they are teachers with more experience teaching in VET and Dual VET and if they belong to the private VET network. In addition, it is outstanding the high improving of the degree of knowledge teachers have about the Region of Murcia industrial network. Thus, the more experience teachers have, particularly in Dual VET, the greater degree of mastery of the Region of Murcia industrial network they have. Additionally, it is mentioned the positive values referred to permanent and secondary teachers in Dual VET. Likewise, another aspect most teachers valued as “quite a lot” and “a lot” is the greater degree of employability Dual VET students have, as well as those who did their workplace training.