Barreras que menoscaban la inclusión en las culturas y políticas educativas del centro escolar
- Ayala de la Peña, Amalia 1
- De Haro Rodríguez, Remedios 1
- Serna Belmonte, Rosario 1
Universidad de Murcia
ISSN: 1575-0965
Año de publicación: 2023
Título del ejemplar: Laboratorios de investigación en el aula: principios y modelos educativos basados en la evidencia
Volumen: 26
Número: 2
Páginas: 179-191
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Revista electrónica interuniversitaria de formación del profesorado: REIFOP
Developing inclusive education involves identifying and eliminating barriers to learning and participation that are present in the cultures, policies and practices of school centers. Precisely, this word is a part of a descriptive survey-type study, carried out in an educational center in the Region of Murcia, where evaluation processes have been undertaken in order to identify the weaknesses and obstacles present in the culture and educational policies of the institution to promote processes of change and improvement. The information collection instrument has been an ad hos questionnaire and the results indicate the presence of some strengths in the cultures and educational policies of the institution, such as accessibility to the center for all students, regardless of their economic situation, abilities or personal characteristics or the consideration of diversity as an opportunity to learn to live together. Coupled with this, it is possible to identify barriers linked to the non-existence of activities aimed at raising awareness about diversity, the scarce participation of families and community institutions in the life of the center or the non-existence of programs to facilitate the transition among stages.
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