Mesozooplankton community structure and trophic relationships in an austral high-latitude ecosystem (Beagle Channel): The role of bottom-up and top-down forces during springtime

  1. Presta, M.L.
  2. Riccialdelli, L.
  3. Bruno, D.O.
  4. Castro, L.R.
  5. Fioramonti, N.E.
  6. Florentín, O.V.
  7. Berghoff, C.F.
  8. Capitanio, F.L.
  9. Lovrich, G.A.
Journal of Marine Systems

ISSN: 0924-7963

Année de publication: 2023

Volumen: 240

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.JMARSYS.2023.103881 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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