Estudio estadístico de la prescripción de antidepresivos en la Región de Murcia (2009-2020)evolución, tendencias y patrón geográfico

  1. Pérez Ribelles, José Antonio
Supervised by:
  1. Domingo Pérez Flores Director
  2. Agustín Llopis González Director
  3. José Antonio Jiménez Barbero Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 28 November 2022

  1. Francisco Guillén Grima Chair
  2. Diego Salmerón Martínez Secretary
  3. María Manuela Morales Suárez-Varela Committee member
  1. Health Sciences

Type: Thesis


Objective: To know the evolution of antidepressants (AD) prescribed in the Murcian Community (CARM) between 2009 and 2020 and to identify prescription trends in the different Health Areas (AS) and Basic Health Zones (ZBS). Design: Retrospective observational study. Setting: Prescriptions dispensed by the CARM public health system during the years 2009 to 2020. Measurements: Consumption of active ingredients belonging to therapeutic group N06A (AD) obtained from pharmacy data from the corporate business analysis system(AdN) of the Murcian Health Service (SMS), measured in Defined Daily Doses (DDD) and DHD (DDD per 1000 inhabitants and day), with a disaggregation at level 5 of the ATC classification (active ingredient), by months and at a geographic level by the ZBS from which the prescription originated. In the same way, the sex and age of the patients at the date of the prescription are specified in a grouped manner, based on the information available in the regional Health Card service. Results: We have verified an increase in antidepressant prescriptions in general during the 2009-2020 period, having been able to confirm two significant changes in trend (in June 2010 and February 2020) and the significantly upward trend until February 2020 and descending as of March 2020.Our study indicates in this regard that, in the whole of the Health Areas of Murcia, the average DDD per 1,000 inhabitants (DHD) in 2020 is 84.90%. Our results indicate an increase in antidepressant prescriptions in the 2009-2020 period of 41.94%, an increase consistent with the 40.80% in Spain as a whole.