Comunicación, toma de decisiones y errores en el ámbito clínicopercepción de los pacientes

  1. Padín Pérez, Raquel Georgina
Dirixida por:
  1. Domingo Pérez Flores Director
  2. Eduardo Javier Osuna Carrillo-Albornoz Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 20 de outubro de 2022

  1. Carlos María Romeo Casabona Presidente/a
  2. María Dolores Pérez Cárceles Secretaria
  3. Ramón Arce Fernández Vogal
  1. Ciencias Socio-Sanitarias

Tipo: Tese


BACKGROUND: The person-centered care model is based on shared decision making, for which an adequate communication process is essential. In addition, there is an increase in the practice of defensive medicine, which deteriorates the physician-patient relationship and facilitates the appearance of medical errors. OBJECTIVES: To analyze the perception that patients have of the clinical decision-making process and the phenomenon of medical error. METHOD: Descriptive and observational study in a sample of 2570 patients (40% men and 60% women) with a mean age of 44.18 years (range 18 to 89 years) belonging to the different health areas of Murcia. RESULTS: 38.6% of respondents do not know about informed consent and 53.5% report that the health professionals did not inform them of its function or contents. 21.6% of patients perceive that they have suffered an error during their care, but indirectly this percentage could potentially be higher (44.9%), with errors related to medication being the most reported. CONCLUSIONS: Patients consider that there are important deficits in the decision-making process. The perception of errors made during assistance is considerable. Improvement in the communication skills of health professionals and their involvement in the shared decision-making process should be encouraged.