La perspectiva del alumno sobre el docente eficaz y las prácticas docentes eficaces

  1. Alcolea Pina, María del Pilar
Dirixida por:
  1. José Miguel Nieto Cano Director
  2. Antonio Portela Pruaño Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 14 de febreiro de 2023

  1. Araceli del Pozo Armentia Presidente/a
  2. Carina Iris Rossa Secretario/a
  3. Zbigniew Formella Vogal
  1. Didáctica y Organización Escolar

Tipo: Tese


Educational quality is an integral investment and without expiration for the country that pursues it. The improvement of student learning is established as the main reason for the efforts made, especially in terms of teaching effectiveness. The teacher and their practices are the external factors that have the most influence on learning, which is why multiple and diverse authors point out the importance and the need to include the voice of the student in their study: “The world of learning and classrooms from the student's personal viewpoint is so often unknown to the teacher” and here we support the initiative, therefore, “teachers need to spend more time and energy understanding learning through the eyes of students” (Hattie, 2009, p. 241). Therefore, the main objective of this research is to look at the teacher who achieves effective learning precisely from the experience of their students due to their privileged position, due to a deep and detailed understanding that helps improve teaching quality. Therefore, it is worth asking ourselves, what learning experience does the student live from the teaching of the effective teacher and what relationship can we establish with the specialized literature on the subject? The approach of a detailed and dissected approach to the field of study, the Teaching-Learning process within the classroom, has been carried out through a case study in compulsory secondary education centers in Spain and Italy. For this, a holistic paradigm has been required that integrates and makes the humanistic perspective relevant; This perspective is likely to conceive the student as a person, taking into account their strengths and limitations, their personal basis and their professional potential as a key to their complete development that makes it possible to improve academic learning results without inverting the purpose; likewise, the methodology and instruments for collecting and analyzing information have been in line with said prism and its integral perspective. That is why the research conclusions compare the results obtained in said analysis, that is: the disciplinary perspective (coming from the scientific literature) and the student perspective (coming from their learning experience); The data is organized around the two fundamental questions of this study: how is the effective teacher and how is the teaching that achieves the best learning experience. As shown in the Discussion, students are a reliable source of information when it comes to regulating our teaching, listening to their Voice and seeing ourselves in their reflection; For this, we must build the educational process around five main branches: personal (know how to be), social (know how to live together), know (know how to understand), do (know how to apply) and reflect (assess and reorganize the process followed to improve in hereafter). These branches represent comprehensive and hierarchical levels that are revealed as necessary and essential requirements to achieve the complete development of the student, as shown in this research, in the search for a true quality of education, which is fair, equitable and effective, that is to say, that it achieves that all students learn significantly without exception, in view of the much-needed social transformation.