Los story mapsentre la resiliencia ambiental y el desarrollo local

  1. Francisco José Morales Yago 1
  2. María Luisa de Lázaro y Torres 1
  1. 1 UNED, España
Gobernanza, comunidades sostenibles y espacios portuarios
  1. Juan Antonio Márquez Domínguez (dir.)
  2. Mario Pineda Falconett (dir.)
  3. José Manuel Jurado Almonte (coord.)
  4. Olmedo García Chavarría (coord.)

Publisher: Asociación de Geográfos Españoles

ISBN: 978-84-126292-0-0

Year of publication: 2023

Pages: 379-400

Type: Book chapter


Narrative Digital Story Mapping (DSM) is a methodology that uses the StoryMaps tooland allows telling a story a story to be told and scientific content to be conveyed.Storytelling integrates maps, images, videos, figures, tables, texts, pop-ups, geolocatedsurveys and other digital resources from different sources. In this way, it is possibleto transfer research results in an attractive and visual way to society. The objectivepursued is to express environmental issues related to sustainability, present in the 2030Agenda that integrate both a local and a global dimension, which have been worked onin different projects carried out at the UNED. This way of expressing content requiresa working methodology that prioritises relevant data, design, location-based strategiesand the creation of a meaningful map with the most appropriate scale depending onthe thematic knowledge to be transmitted, which always has a local dimension and isalso interrelated with global aspects. The evidence shown in this narrative integrates acall for transformative action. This methodological approach using the StoryMaps tool(ESRI) has made it possible to demonstrate its usefulness in giving visibility to territorialdevelopment and raising awareness of environmental problems in society, in the threedimensions of sustainability: social, economic and environmental, thus integrating theSustainable Development Goals.