Gambling industry in the united states: A nonlinear longterm

  1. José Antunes 1
  2. Matheus Belucio 1
  3. José Alberto Fuihas 1
  4. Antonio Cardoso Marques 1
  5. Joana Mota 1
  6. Victor Sá 1
  1. 1 University of Beira Interior, Portugal
Anales de Economía Aplicada 2018: economía del transporte y logística portuaria
  1. Juan José García del Hoyo (coord.)

Argitaletxea: Universidad de Huelva

ISBN: 978-84-18280-49-8

Argitalpen urtea: 2020

Orrialdeak: 555-565

Mota: Liburuko kapitulua


Gambling is one of the main industries in the United States, and is responsible for a important percentage in state taxrevenue. The autoregressive characteristic of the phenomenon led us to use the nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag(NARDL) method to express the economic perspective of gambling expenditure. The wealth (GDP) and the misery indexwere used for this objective. The temporal horizon spans from 1965 to 2016. The results show short and long term impacts.The increase of wealth or poverty both induce higher levels of gambling expenditure. This research collaborates for thepublic deciders debate over public policy and for the gambling industry by providing new insights both theoretically andempirically.