Síndrome del lechón "arguellao".Retorno al pasado: ¿qué hemos aprendido?
- Ángela Gallardo Marín 1
- Rocío García Espejo 1
- Alejandro Martínez Molina 1
- Elena Goyena Salgado 2
- Manuel Toledo Castillo 1
- José Manuel Pinto Carrasco 3
- 1 Agropecuaria Casas Nuevas
- 2 Piensos Cartagena SL.
- 3 SAT Hnos. Chico
ISSN: 1699-7867
Argitalpen urtea: 2021
Zenbakien izenburua: Nutrición
Zenbakia: 181
Orrialdeak: 22-26
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Suis
The syndrome of failure of development in the weaning phase, or catabolic piglet syndrome, better known by its acronym in English as PTFS (periweaning failure-to-thrive syndrome), continues to appear in our farms and presents with a profound anorexia that has as a consequence a loss of body condition in the piglets in the first weeks after weaning. It has its origin in a poor adaptation of the piglets to their new productive phase, but we are not able to find infectious agents for handling or environmental conditions, no type of improvement is observed in the animals. Nor did we find any link that establishes that the problem is due to a genetic susceptibility of the animals. In this case, we make a comprehensive approach, and that consists of not focusing solely on the transition phase, which is where the entire clinic takes place, with which we have had to monitor various aspects of the reproductive phase. And with all that, to arrive at our solution to the problem and that, probably, it is not the only or the most optimal due to the characteristics of this syndrome.