La comprensión lectora en estudiantes con trastorno por déficit de atención/hiperactividad de educación primaria

  1. Herrera-Gutiérrez, Eva
  2. López Ortuño, Josefa
  3. Conesa Castejón, Mª Rosario
  4. Giménez Costa, José Antonio
Psicología y educación: presente y futuro
  1. Castejón Costa, Juan Luis (coord.)

Verlag: [Madrid] : Asociación Científica de Psicología y Educación (ACIPE), 2016

ISBN: 978-84-608-8714-0

Datum der Publikation: 2016

Seiten: 1690-1698

Kongress: Congreso Internacional de Psicología y Educación (8. 2016. Alicante)

Art: Konferenz-Beitrag


Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are a very heterogeneous group. This is possibly because the core symptoms coexist with many other comorbid difficulties, such as learning disabilities to read and write. The review of the literature shows that the origin and magnitude of the reading comprehension difficulties are still not completely defined, which may be explained by different causes (failures in executive functions, working memory, verbal fluency, reading decoding...) and be expressed in different levels of intensity. The aim of this work is to study and compare the reading comprehension skills of an experimental group composed by elementary school students diagnosed with ADHD and a control group of children without the disorder. The evaluation of the ability of reading comprehension was performed by the PROLEC-R standardized test. The results of this study confirm that the group of children with ADHD exhibit more difficulty in reading comprehension tasks, are significantly less efficient than the control group and need more time to complete it. We conclude that it is necessary to design specific interventions to reduce these difficulties and additional studies to identify the underlying processes from a multifactorial perspective.