Factores cognitivos asociados al TDAHimplicaciones educativas
Universidad de Murcia
ISSN: 2659-8345
Año de publicación: 2022
Volumen: 6
Páginas: 95-115
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: REIF: revista de educación, innovación y formación
Research on the cognitive profile of students with ADHD has shown to have great implications in the course of the disorder. Its applicability to the educational field entails positive effects at an academic and emotional level. The aim of this descriptive work is to reflect on the cognitive characteristics related to ADHD and the implications associated with the educational field. To this end, we have the participation of 127 adolescents diagnosed with the disorder who have taken the K-BIT intelligence test. The results provide information on the average pressures obtained in the Vocabulary, Matrices and IQ tests. Adolescents with hyperactive disorder were average in the three categories of the K-BIT test. The highest scores correspond to the Matrices test and the IQ. These data suggest that adolescents with ADHD achieve better performance on tasks that require a nonverbal component. Similarly, it reflects a good intellectual capacity. Some educational suggestions are discussed.
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