El triple picado en el clarineteUso de las tecnologías para el aumento de velocidad
- Isabel Marín Conesa 1
- Ester Marín Conesa
- María Belén Conesa Ferrer
- Marín Conesa, María Belén 1
Universidad de Murcia
ISSN: 2254-6529
Year of publication: 2022
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Pages: 43-73
Type: Article
More publications in: 3 c TIC: cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC
The triple tonguing is a technique that instruments such as the clarinet don’t usually. It consists of playing chopped notes at high speeds. The instrument seems to offer resistance to the need for reed vibration to produce sound. The objective is to demonstrate that the technique can be interpreted at high speeds on this instrument thanks to ICT. A sample of 13 clarinetists with a minimum level of Professional Grade was collected. The initial test consisted of recording 2 exercises (with Audacity). This was repeated after 6 weeks of study to check if there was evolution. In this period, the participants studied 11 exercises (written with Sibelius7) using the ZyMi software. Quality was maintained by examining the spectrograms with Sonic Visualiser. The result obtained in the first recording were very low speeds (between 32 and 75). The participants found difficulties mainly in the two upper registers. On the other hand, in the last recording, 7 clarinetists managed to double the tempi, 5 increased it five times and only 1 decreased it in the second exercise because he could not dedicate time in the last study phase to practicing the technique. In addition, they collaterally improved other aspects such as the stability of the pulsation when using the ZyMi software and improved the air emission and the loudness when working with the Sonic Visualiser. Finally, the study concludes that increasing the tempo of the technique is possible when using ICT, since it allows us to measure exactly how much the speed and quality of the exercises increase.
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