Utilización de las tecnologías para aumentar la velocidad del doble picado en el clarinete
- Isabel Marín Conesa
- María Belén Marín Conesa
- Ester Marín Conesa
- María Belén Conesa Ferrer
ISSN: 2254-6529
Year of publication: 2022
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Pages: 101-131
Type: Article
More publications in: 3 c TIC: cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC
On clarinet, the interpretation of the double tonguing is complex, especially at high speeds. The objective is to use ICT to measure the improvement of the speed of the double tonguing on clarinet. A pilot test is carried out with 13 participants with the Title of Professional Clarinet Teaching. 2 exercises were recorded on two occasions. The first recording was intended to measure the maximum speed at which the participants performed the double tonguing exercises. Subsequently, 29 pieces were provided for 8 weeks. Finally, a last recording was made to see if there was improvement. The technological tools used were ZyMi (for the recordings and the study), Audacity (to make the recordings), Sibelius7 (to write exercises) and Sonic Visualiser (to ensure the quality of the technique). The initial speeds were quite low since at a higher tempo the quality of the technique was lost. On the other hand, in the last recording, 5 of the participants had doubled the speeds and 4 tripled them. In addition, participants 3 and 5 increased the speed three times in the first exercise and doubled it on second. For its part, participant 13 increased from black equal to 13 to black equal to 105 in the first exercise and up to 85 in the second with just a few weeks of study. It can be concluded that the use of ICT helped the participants to increase the speed without execution errors. In addition, they improved in tempo stability when using ZyMi from slow speeds.
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