Coordenadas y desarrollos internacionales del acceso a la justicia en asuntos ambientales

  1. Eduardo Salazar Ortuño
Revista Aranzadi de derecho ambiental

ISSN: 1695-2588

Argitalpen urtea: 2019

Zenbakia: 42

Orrialdeak: 143-194

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista Aranzadi de derecho ambiental


The article reviews the international legislative history of the recognition of access to justice in environmental matters since the 1972 Stockholm Declaration and analyzes the most recent instruments. This right of access to remedies is part of the concept of environmental democracy that has been part of modern Environmental Law, together with the right of access to environmental information and the right to participate in environmental decision-making. Among the most important international milestones is the Principle X of the Rio de Janeiro Declaration of 1992, developed through binding legal instruments such as the 1998 Aarhus Convention in the Economic Commission for Europe and the 2018 Escazú Agreement in the Latin American area and the Caribbean, together with the 2010 Balí Guidelines, global recommendations on access rights.