Realismo grotesco en el cine postsoviético y su perspectiva pluralista de la identidad nacional rusa

  1. Anna Borisova
ASRI: Arte y sociedad. Revista de investigación

ISSN: 2174-7563

Année de publication: 2019

Titre de la publication: Arte e Identidades Nacionales

Número: 16

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: ASRI: Arte y sociedad. Revista de investigación


The cultural transition caused by the Perestroika´s policies confronted the Russian people with the task of rethinking their national identity based until then on Soviet ideology. The present study offers an interdisciplinary approach to the cinematographic tendency that arises in this context as heir to the literary genre "grotesque realism". The analysis of his filmic discourse reveals his commitment to a model of subjectivation based on the dialogue between the plural vital focuses inherent in today's society, offering an alternative to nationalist unification.

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