El rol de agentes educativos en los abuelos del siglo XXItransmisión de valores y principales factores que influyen en el grado de relación mantenida con sus nietos

  1. Antonio Luis Martínez Martínez
La Razón histórica: revista hispanoamericana de historia de las ideas políticas y sociales

ISSN: 1989-2659

Year of publication: 2017

Issue Title: El espacio histórico

Issue: 37

Pages: 44-76

Type: Article

More publications in: La Razón histórica: revista hispanoamericana de historia de las ideas políticas y sociales


Transformations taking place in society in recent years have affected the family system, generating a substantial change in the performance of the roles and functions of all its members, especially grandparents, who have passed from second level roles to have a more significant relevance in family dynamics. This change implies a considerable number of elderly people, regularly or daily, taking care of their grandchildren and directly influencing the educational process of children, being also involved in the transmission of values. However, although grandparents spend much time with children as educational agents, we should note that older present some defining characteristics, both globally and individually, which influence significantly in the degree of involvement and communication with their grandchildren. The objetive of this article is to frame a conceptual approach to intergenerational relationships and, particularly, to the relevance of grandparents as active agent in the education of children. This work also intends to analyze some of the most salient factors influencing the involvement of grandparents, such as, gender, type of family, health status, geographical distance, personality, character or temperament, activities implemented jointly and, finally, grandparents as the intermediate generation between parents and children

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