The biological standard of living in nineteenth-century industrial Cataloniaa case study
- Ramon Ramon-Muñoz 2
- Josep-Maria Ramon-Muñoz 1
Universidad de Murcia
Universitat de Barcelona
ISSN: 1132-7200
Ano de publicación: 2016
Título do exemplar: Niveles de vida, nutrición y desigualdad en la industrialización española. Una visión antropométrica
Número: 64
Páxinas: 77-118
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Revista de historia industrial
Drawing on anthropometric information, this article investigates the evolution of the biological standard of living in nineteenth-century Catalonia. We focus on the city of Igualada, one of Catalonia's main textile centres in the early part of the century. The results show a decline in the height of males born between the 1830s and the 1860s, the period in which factory- based industrialisation emerged and became consolidated. The article also suggests that height inequality rose during the third quarter of the nineteenth century. The empirical evidence gathered provides further support for the pessimistic view of the evolution of the standard of living during the early stages of industrialisation.
Información de financiamento
Finally, we acknowledge funding support from: the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) through the projects HAR2012-33298, HAR2013-47182-C2-2-P, and MINECO/FEDER, UE HAR2015-64769-P; Fundación Séneca; Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia through the project 19512/PI/14.Financiadores
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
- HAR2012-33298
- HAR2013-47182-C2-2-P
- HAR2015-64769-P
Fundación Séneca; Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia
- 19512/PI/14
- HAR2015-64769-P
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