Resultados en el tratamiento quirúrgico de los tumores benignos de glándula parótidarevisión de 104 pacientes

  1. Hellín Meseguer, Diego
  2. Pelegrín Hernández, Juan Pablo
  3. Melgarejo Moreno, Pablo José
  4. Marco Garrido, Alfonso
  5. Hostalet Robles, F.
Revista ORL

ISSN: 2444-7986 2444-7986

Datum der Publikation: 2014

Nummer: 5

Seiten: 34-43

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista ORL


Introduction and objective: Benign tumours of the parotid gland tumours represent the most common of the salivary glands. This study aims to report our experience for thirteen years in the management of benign tumour pathology of the parotid gland in the most controversial issues, such as diagnosis, type of surgery and perioperative management. Methods: We performed a retrospective descriptive study of all patients diagnosed with benign parotid tumours in our Comarcal Hospital during the years 1993-2006, inclusive, and who were treated by surgery. Results: The study included 104 patients, of whom 60 were female and 44 to male. The most common tumour is the pleomorphic adenoma and the average stay was 1.5 days. The partial parotidectomy are suprafacial and proper techniques for the treatment of these tumours, with few complications and no recurrence in our study. Conclusions:The partial parotidectomy is a suitable technique for benign parotid tumours, increasingly tending to be more selective in the removal, with very low morbidity and very short average stay.

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