Aplicación de las tic en el incremento de velocidad del triple picado en el clarinete
- Isabel Marín Conesa
- María Belén Marín Conesa 1
- Ester Marín Conesa
- María Belén Conesa Ferrer
Universidad de Murcia
Publisher: 3ciencias, Área de Innovación y Desarrollo
ISBN: 978-84-123872-4-7
Year of publication: 2021
Pages: 55-58
Congress: III Congreso Internacional Online del Uso de las TIC en la sociedad, la educación y la empresa (3. 2021. null)
Type: Conference paper
On clarinet, the performance of the triple tonguing is complex, especially at highspeeds. The goal is to use ICT to measure the improvement in the speed of the tripletonguing on the clarinet. A pilot test is carried out with 13 participants with theTitle of Professional Clarinet Teaching. 2 technical exercises were recorded on twooccasions. The first recording was intended to measure the maximum speed at whichthe participants performed the triple tonguing exercises. Subsequently, 11 pieceswere provided for 6 weeks. Finally, a last recording was made to see if there wasimprovement. The technological tools used were ZyMi (for the recordings and thestudy), Audacity (to make the recordings), Sibelius7 (to write exercises) and SonicVisualiser (to ensure the quality of the technique). The speeds that were obtainedat the beginning were quite low (between quarter note equal to 32 and 75) sincequality was lost at a higher tempo. In the last recording, 7 of the participants haddoubled their velocities, 5 of them quintupled them, and only 1 of the clarinetistsslowed down since he was unable to continue studying the technique a few weeks after the first recording. Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of ICT helpedall participants to correctly increase the speed without errors in the execution of thetechnique. In addition, it improved the stability of the tempo when using ZyMi fromvery low speeds and contributed to self-improvement by achieving a goal, for someparticipants, impossible.