Mejora de la calidad del triple picado en el clarinete mediante las tecnologías
- Isabel Marín Conesa
- María Belén Marín Conesa
- Ester Marín Conesa
- María Belén Conesa Ferrer
Publisher: 3ciencias, Área de Innovación y Desarrollo
ISBN: 978-84-123872-4-7
Year of publication: 2021
Pages: 71-74
Congress: III Congreso Internacional Online del Uso de las TIC en la sociedad, la educación y la empresa (3. 2021. null)
Type: Conference paper
The triple tonguing technique is not usually used on the clarinet due to its difficulty.The objective is to demonstrate that the technique can be performed with the clarinetusing ICT. The technique was put into practice in 13 clarinetists with the Title ofProfessional Degree or attending higher studies. They studied it through 11 exercisesafter making a first recording of 2 exercises. After 6 weeks of study, the last recordingwas made to see if the quality of the technique was higher. The implementation of ICTconsisted of the use of Audacity (to record), Sibelius7 (to write the exercises), ZyMi (forrecordings and study) and the spectrograms in Sonic Visualiser of the pre-recordedaudios (to assess whether there is evolution of the quality triple tonguing). In thefirst recording, four of the participants performed the exercises with quality while theremaining nine found it difficult to pick notes in the 4 records. In the last recordingof all the participants, a positive evolution is seen in relation to the quality of thetechnique, as well as in aspects of loudness and rhythmic precision. As a conclusion, itcan be said that the triple tonguing can be performed by clarinetists and that the use of ICT is highly recommended as they provide a new perspective to the interpreters.Using ZyMi and Sonic Visualiser allowed them to see from the spectrograms if theirexecution was accurate in terms of tempo, sound quality, articulation, duration, andnote equality.