Cation coordination induced modulation of the anion sensing properties of a ferrocene-imidazophenanthroline dyad: Mutichannel recognition from phosphate-related to chloride anions (Journal of Organic Chemistry (2008) 73, (4035))

  1. Zapata, F.
  2. Caballero, A.
  3. Espinosa, A.
  4. Tárraga, A.
  5. Molina, P.
Journal of Organic Chemistry

ISSN: 0022-3263

Any de publicació: 2008

Volum: 73

Número: 22

Pàgines: 9196

Tipus: Errata

DOI: 10.1021/JO802346B GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAccés obert editor

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