Formación en relajación para el control de estrés en boxeadores de un Centro de Tecnificación Deportiva
- Olmedilla, Aurelio 1
- Moreno-Fernández, Isabel 2
- Olmedilla-Caballero, Belén 1
- Sevilla, Álvaro 3
- Gómez-Espejo, Verónica 1
Universidad de Murcia
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
ISSN: 2530-3910
Year of publication: 2021
Volume: 6
Issue: 2
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de Psicología Aplicada al Deporte y al Ejercicio Físico
Stress is a psychological process that many athletes experience in training stages. Not only can it affect your athletic performance, but also your quality of life and sacademic activities. Some psychological techniques and skills can be very helpful in managing stress. The aim of this study is to verify whether relaxation techniques are useful tools to control stress in young boxers and can be extrapolated to other aspects of their lives such academic activities. The participants were 7 young athletes from the Athlete Training Center of the Boxing Federation, male and trainees at the center. A relaxation workshop was conducted in 5 sessions of approximately 50-60 minutes each. The Shultz autogenic training technique, Jacobson’s progressive muscle relaxation technique and the breathing technique were used. The athletes’ ability to manage stress and the ability to cope with the pressure of the athlete’s performance evaluation were evaluated (before and after the workshop). Of the 7 boxers, 4 showed scores that denoted better stress control and better pressure management due to their performance. All showed a very high degree of satisfaction with the workshop. It is concluded that the implementation of a relaxation workshop can be very useful for learning relaxation techniques that help control stress, both in sports and academic activities.
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