Acción de anulación del laudo y tutela de terceros.

Revista General de Derecho Procesal

ISSN: 1696-9642

Year of publication: 2022

Issue: 58

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista General de Derecho Procesal


Every jurisdictional process necessarily requires the existence of two opposing positions, each one consisting of two or more legal subjects whose exact identification corresponds to the plaintiff. However, in case of a civil process, it does not have to be developed only between those subjects indicated by the plaintiff since the result not only concerns the victory of the litigants but also justice and the safeguarding of the legal system. In this work, a reflection on what are the legal subjects that can request the nullity of an arbitral decision and whether a third party can be authorized to participate in the special declaratory process to defend their own interests is presented, assuming that the authorization will normally be requested by any of the parties involved in the arbitration procedure in which the judgment was issued. As it is logical, the answer will depend on the applicable legislation but also on the doctrine established by our courts when interpreting the legislation, a task to which we dedicate special attention because it is an issue little analysed until now in the current studies on this matter.

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