La adquisición de "La Merced" por la Universidad de Murcia

  1. Juan-Carlos Argüelles

ISSN: 0213-0939

Argitalpen urtea: 2022

Zenbakia: 147

Orrialdeak: 183-195

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Murgetana


The lack of a proper building impaired the progress of the University of Murcia (UMU) from the initial set up in 1915. The long-cherished institution was forced to occupy for more than twenty years the «Secondary Institute» and the Graduate schools «El Carmen». However, the UMU had got some financial funds deposited in the «Bank of Spain»; the so-termed «Foundational Sheet». Taking advantage of the official visit to Murcia carried out by the president of the IIª Republic, Alcalá-Zamora, the rector Loustau was able to get the return of «Sheet». Immediately, he started conversations with the HH. Maristas to buy the convent «La Merced». There was, however, a main drawback coming from the legal decree law concerning the acquisition of Goods ascribed to religious orders. The complex solution required the participation of Juan López-Ferrer, who in 1934 bought «La Merced» and then resold it to the «University board of trustees». Unfortunately, «La Merced» was utilized as teaching center for a single academic year. The outbreak of the civil war closed all the activity, and it was converted into a «Blood hospital».