Motivaciones e intereses en una muestra de estudiantes de altas habilidades con respecto a sus iguales

  1. Sergio Torrente Verdeja 1
  2. María José Ruiz-Melero 1
  3. Marta Sainz Gómez 2
  1. 1 Universidad de Murcia. Facultad de Educación. Murcia, España
  2. 2 Universidad de Murcia. Facultad de Educación. Departamentode PsicologíaEvolutiva y de la Educación. Murcia, España
Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía

ISSN: 1139-7853 1989-7448

Any de publicació: 2022

Volum: 33

Número: 1

Pàgines: 26-43

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía


The main objective of this work is to analyze motivations and interests of high skillsstudents compared to their peers, while another objective is to analyze the differences in interests and motivations according to sex and the course. A sample of 70 students (18 of high skills) from the first cycle of Secondary Education (ESO), in 2nd and 3rd year, between 13 and 15 years old (M=13.63; SD= .615), having 35 boys (50%) and 35 girls (50%). A questionnaire was used, ad hoc elaborated, with items taken from the PANA questionnaire (Pérez and Pro, 2005) and the Learning Goals Questionnaire (CMA; Hayamizuet al., 1989). The results show that high skillsstudents have greater intrinsic motivation and interest in other subjects and class contents. There are significant differences according to gender in interests of the participants, the boys have more interest in the scientific area, and the girls in linguistic area. In relation to the course, when there are differences in motivation, the students of third course point higher than secondcourse students. This study provides an overview of the differences between highability adolescents and their peers in terms of interests and motivations, which is an important point for potential guiding interventions.

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