¿Libertad para el mal?¿Cómo hay que entender la compatibilidad entre el mal y la libertad en el hombre?
- 1 Profesor Emérito de la Universidad de Murcia
ISSN: 1139-6660
Year of publication: 2022
Issue Title: Cuestiones éticas en Leonardo Polo (Urbano Ferrer Santos, ed. asoc.)
Issue: 24
Pages: 65-83
Type: Article
More publications in: Studia Poliana
The article tries to inquire into the origin of the moral evil. First, the aporias are formulated which arise between evil and freedom as well as between the negative being of evil and its pernicious effects. Going back to the first sin, we seek to answer the question how evil could have been introduced into the work of creation, good in itself, through the self-deception about the hierarchy of goods, made possible by the Polo’s notion of mental limit. Finally, we examine how, after the first sin, the full knowledge of the goods and the clear distinction between means and end with regard to the correct action are deformed.
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