Variables implicadas en la transmisión intergeneracional del estilo de apegouna revisión sistemática

  1. Nuria Martín Ordiales 1
  2. M. Pilar Martín Chaparro 1
  3. Noelia Lucía Martínez-Rives 1
  4. María Dolores Hidalgo Montesinos 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Murcia, España
Revista de Psicología Clínica con Niños y Adolescentes

ISSN: 2340-8340

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 9

Issue: 1

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de Psicología Clínica con Niños y Adolescentes


Variables involved in the intergenerational transmission of attachment style: a systematic review. The interest in studying the intergenerational transmission of attachment has been motivated by its influence on the emotional and behavioral development of the individual and on the capacities to establish stable bonds. The main objective of this study is a literature review to identify recent advances regarding the variables involved in the intergenerational transmission of attachment. A systematic review spanning from 2013 to 2020 was conducted. 23 research papers were identified that met the established inclusion criteria. It was found that variables such as maternal figure, life events’ emotional processing and social support were key to the transmission of secure attachment. In the transmission of insecure attachment, abuse, mistreatment or neglect stand out, as well as the clinical symptoms of the caregivers. New evaluation strategies are necessary to formulate a comprehensive explanatory model that includes biological, psychological and social aspects

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