Influencia de la edad y sexo de los pacientes en la determinación de la dosis administrada de plaquetas en la terapeútica de plasma rico en factores de crecimiento

  1. Ballester Ferrandis, JF. 1
  2. Sanchez Siles, M. 2
  3. Pia Pascual, P. 3
  4. Camacho Alonso, F. 4
  1. 1 Director de Esorib
  2. 2 Profesor de Esorib
  3. 3 Profesor Medicina Oral Universidad de Murcia.
  4. 4 Profesor Titular Medicina Oral Universidad de Murcia.
Labor dental clínica: Avances clínicos en odontoestomatología

ISSN: 1888-4040

Année de publication: 2014

Volumen: 15

Número: 1

Pages: 26-34

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Labor dental clínica: Avances clínicos en odontoestomatología


Background: To determine whether it is possible to deliver a correct therapeutic dose of platelet-rich plasma without a prior CULTER taking into consideration the age and sex of the patient; or on the other hand, the dispersion of platelet values per ml/3 in the healthy population, is such that a CULTER prior to blood extraction is the only way to know the actual administered dose. Material & Method: The platelet count per ml/3 of 152 randomly selected patients (98 females and 54 males aged between 15 and 96 years) was analyzed, extracting 5ml/3 of blood from each patient at 8:00am on an empty stomach. Results: We observed that the number of platelets varies widely depending on age and sex. 41.67% of people aged between 14 and 29, and 11.86% of people between 65 and 79, have between 300,001 and 500,000 platelets. We also observed that, for the same number of platelets, there are also differences depending on the sex; 11.29% of males and 20.41% of females had this count. Conclusions: The platelet count is highly variable between individuals of the same age and sex, and also between individuals of different ages and sexes. The peripheral blood platelet count is the only way to adjust the delivered dose to the therapeutic dose in the treatment of osteoinduction with plasma rich in growth factors in implantology and oral surgery.

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