Actuación ante los dilemas éticos en la consulta tras divorcio. Papel del menor según edad y nivel de madurez

  1. Mariano Leal Hernández
  2. Javier Navarro Zaragoza
  3. María Falcón
  4. Francisco Carrillo Navarro
  5. Aurelio Luna
Cuadernos de bioética

ISSN: 1132-1989 2386-3773

Year of publication: 2020

Volume: 31

Issue: 103

Pages: 309-318

Type: Article

More publications in: Cuadernos de bioética


Lately, number of divorces is increasing, nevertheless, a parents’ divorce can become a traumatic problem for paediatric patients. Consequently, the aim of this study was to analyze the ethical conflicts that appear in the relationship between physician/parents/son/daughter, and more specifically those that a divorce generates. A descriptive study was developed through a survey composed by 39 items. Previously, an exhaustive bibliographic analysis was carried out. Our results show that only 35% of paediatricians interviewed have been educated in bioethics although this issue is important in daily practice. Other items show that 57,5% would not cancel a pharmacological treatment in order to improve quality of life. Also, they would react against a wrong parents’ decision (82,5%). They give low value to the minor`s decision (6,05%), and rarely inform exclusively to adolescents (5%). In contrast, paediatricians sometimes ask to adolescents (20%) in first place and involved them to decide in 90% of cases. Besides, there are differences in the relation with fathers and mothers, 17,5% of mothers are informed exclusively, a fact that never happens with fathers. Ethics has an intrinsic value very important in daily clinical decisions in order to respect the rules and to adapt them to the situation of every paediatric patient. When an important ethical conflict become, as a divorce is, it is essential to know who must be informed and the rights everyone has to make a decision. It is complicated to the paediatricians yet to develop 41/2002 law for Patient’s autonomy.

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