Estandarizadores. La nueva burocracia privada que controla la calidad y la seguridad alimentaria en las cadenas globales agrícolas
- de Castro Pericacho, Carlos 1
- Gadea Montesinos, Elena 2
- Sánchez García, Miguel Ángel 2
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Universidad de Murcia
ISSN: 2445-0367, 1578-2824
Argitalpen urtea: 2021
Zenbakien izenburua: El desafío de la trascendencia en tiempos de creatividad
Alea: 30
Zenbakia: 1
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: RES. Revista Española de Sociología
Global agri-food production is structured in chains controlled by big retailers. Private standards have become one of the most important forms of governance. Our objective is to analyze the institutional structure from which the quality and safety requirements and evaluation procedures are designed. Our hypothesis is that the power of big retailers increases thanks to the control of this institutional structure, which is called the Tripartite Standards Regime (Loconto and Busch, 2010). For this, this paper will analyze the private standards that predominate in one of the most important fruit and vegetable exporting regions in Europe, the Region of Murcia. It shows 3 characteristics of the Tripartite Regime of private standards of big retailers (Global GAP, IFS, BRC): hybridization of public and private in the field of regulation; bureaucratization through expert professionals, expertise and procedures from private actors; and control of large distributors over the entire standardization process.
Finantzaketari buruzko informazioa
El artículo presenta los resultados del proyecto “Gobernanza de la calidad en las cadenas globales agroalimentarias. Un análisis comparado de los territorios agro-exportadores en España”, financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y Fondos FEDER de la Unión Europea (CSO2017-85507-P).Finantzatzaile
- CSO2017-85507-P
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