La literatura de viaje, una aventura de José Luis Castillo-PucheAmérica de cabo a rabo

  1. José Belmonte Serrano 1
  2. Marco Succio 2
  1. 1 Universidad de Murcia

    Universidad de Murcia

    Murcia, España


  2. 2 Università di Genova
Orillas: rivista d'ispanistica

ISSN: 2280-4390

Year of publication: 2020

Issue: 9

Pages: 245-261

Type: Article

More publications in: Orillas: rivista d'ispanistica


This article aims to investigate the travel memories written by the Spanish novelist José Luis Castillo-Puche (1919-2004) and, more in detail, his volume América de Cabo a Rabo, published in 1959. Castillo-Puche is one of the most original writers of his generation and, owing to the fact that he was a journalist, he is also considered one of the great travelers of the 20th century. The account of his travels is not a simple complement of his literature; together with his innate capacity to create a dialogue between different genres, he used his best-known resources (humor and irony) to offer a portrait of the social, cultural and political life of many countries of the American continent. This work, that has received little attention so far, focuses particularly on Spanish writers, many of them in exile, silenced by Franco’s regime, such as Juan Ramón Jiménez, and Americans, such as Borges and his friend Hemingway, with whom he lived for a while in his property in Cuba.

Bibliographic References

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