Feminismo/s. Por una propuesta clasificatoria de las corrientes, movimientos sociales y teorías desde la perspectiva de la antropología de género

  1. Hernández Garre, José Manuel 1
  2. De Maya Sanchez, Baldomero 1
  1. 1 Departamento de Ciencias Políticas, Antropología Social y Hacienda Pública Área de Antropología Universidad de Murcia
Perifèria: revista de investigación y formación en antropología

ISSN: 1885-8996

Ano de publicación: 2020

Volume: 25

Número: 1

Páxinas: 56-80

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.5565/REV/PERIFERIA.713 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso aberto editor

Outras publicacións en: Perifèria: revista de investigación y formación en antropología


The article gives an account of the heterogeneity of the feminist movement, in the sense that one cannot speak of feminism, but of a complex set of feminism / s that integrate social movements, ideological currents and theories emanating from gender anthropology. The objective of the study has been to establish a classification proposal for the different feminism/s sthat helps your understanding, within the framework of a postgraduate educational program for social work professionals, using a mixed qualitative methodology that combines the interests of research with development in kind of a didactic training strategy that encourages critical-creative thinking. To do this, we started with an initial exposition of the foundations of feminism and gender anthropology, proposing to the students an individual documentary analysis and a nominal group as a technique of oriented consensus. The results show an epistemological classification of the different feminism/s as they are based on economic-political-religious budgets or on the rethinking of categories such as sexual roles or the natural / artificial dichotomy. Classifying principle that gives rise to reflect on the belonging of the different categories to feminism of "equality" or "difference", as well as their coincidence with the theoretical postulates born of gender anthropology.

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