Conocimiento y percepción del gerente hacia el turismo accesible en la Región de Murcia

  1. Clemente Soler, Juan Antonio 1
  2. Bote Díaz, Marcos 1
  3. Sánchez Vera, Pedro 1
  4. Rodriguez Guillén, David 2
  1. 1 Facultad de Economía y Empresa. Departamento de Sociología. Universidad de Murcia.
  2. 2 Parlamento Europeo. Bruselas. Bélgica.
Gran Tour

ISSN: 2172-8690

Année de publication: 2019

Número: 20

Pages: 109-126

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Gran Tour


Traditionally the issue of Accessible Tourism has been approached in order to consider people with disabilities’ demands regarding the practice of tourism. However, little has been said about the manager’s perception or knowledge about the phenomenon. This research targets the managers as the main focus of interest in order to know how the different properties adapt to the growing sector of accessible tourism. In order to do so, a survey was conducted to measure the level of knowledge and attitudes towards Accessible Tourism pre sented by managers (n=318) of properties in the southeastern Region of Murcia (Spain). The results show that only 1 out of three managers are familiar with the concept, most of them (67%) does not provide the customers with an accessible website, only 38% adapt the property infrastructure for better accessibility and most of them (90%) never took training courses on the topic. Training courses, awareness campaign and funding by the Administration are needed in order to totally achieve a total universal desi gn in tourism. Keywords: Accessible Tourism, Accessibility Awareness, Managers Training, Website Accessibility

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