Autodeterminación informativaun dereito en alza
Universidad de Murcia
ISSN: 1696-3083
Argitalpen urtea: 2019
Zenbakia: 8
Orrialdeak: 85-127
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista Galega de Dereito Social - 2ª etapa: (RGDS)
Data protection is a fundamental right that has remained latent and since STC 29/2013 it has emerged with strength, submitting to various jurisprudential swings that in the end have come to consecrate it as a more powerful right than the privacy or secrecy of communications, imposing its principles of action much more demanding and formalist than what had served until now to limit other fundamental rights. It is not risky to affirm that its conception is in full growth so it is not possible to close its delimitation, and this generates problems of interpretation and continuous readjustment.