Principios éticos y deontológicos en Fisioterapia. Su comparación con otras profesiones sanitarias

  1. A. Gómez Conesa
  2. R. Caries Hemández
  3. Mª.D. Pérez-Cárceles
  4. E. Osuna Carrillo de Albornoz
Cuestiones de fisioterapia: revista universitaria de información e investigación en Fisioterapia

ISSN: 1135-8599

Year of publication: 1999

Volume: 11

Issue: 11

Pages: 1-8

Type: Article

More publications in: Cuestiones de fisioterapia: revista universitaria de información e investigación en Fisioterapia


Deontology is the set of norms of professional conduct to be respected by the practitioner. When these norms are established in the code of Professional Practice they have the weight of rules for the professionals to whom they are directed and failure to comply can be sanctioned. In this study we review the procedural norms of physiotherapist and go to compare them with those of other health professionals. The results demonstrate clase correspondence between the codes of practice governing these professions.