Representación y presentación del poder monárquico: Proclamación y entrada de los Reyes Católicos en Murcia (1475 y 1488)
Universidad de Murcia
ISSN: 1575-3840, 2341-3549
Argitalpen urtea: 2015
Zenbakia: 17
Orrialdeak: 213-262
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Estudios sobre patrimonio, cultura y ciencias medievales
Description and interpretation of the inaugural proclamation and entry pf the Catholic Monarchs in Murcia in 1475 and 1488, respectively. Ceremonies and rites that represent the legitimacy and primacy conception of monarchical power, but also political communication with urban society on which it rested. Consequences and economic assessment of the approximate cost of the royal stay in the city, turned into a logistical base for the final offensive against the Nazari sultanate, and editing documents that record these two important events of the political culture of the monarchy in their transition to modernity.