Un caso de osteopatía craneomandibular de localización en cúbito y radio en un West Highland

  1. A. Agut Giménez 1
  2. A. Costa 1
  3. J. Mª. Carrillo 1
  4. J. Murciano Pérez 1
  5. F.G. Laredo Álvarez 1
  6. M.C. Tovar Sahuquillo 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Murcia. Departamento de Patología Animal. Cirugía y Radiología
Clínica veterinaria de pequeños animales: revista oficial de AVEPA, Asociación Veterinaria Española de Especialistas en Pequeños Animales

ISSN: 1130-7064

Year of publication: 1998

Volume: 18

Issue: 4

Pages: 222-230

Type: Article

More publications in: Clínica veterinaria de pequeños animales: revista oficial de AVEPA, Asociación Veterinaria Española de Especialistas en Pequeños Animales


Thís report describes an unsual case of cranioman- dibular osteopathy in a two month-old female West Highland White Terrier puppy. The patient presented initially a swelling of both forelimbs and lameness. Irregular osseous proliferation in the ulna and radius in both limbs was observed. The tympanic bullae and the bones of the calvarium and tentorium were thickened and hyperostotic. The treatment was symptomatic with prednisona, and there was a clínical improvement. One year later of diagnosis,there was remarkable but incomplete resolution of the long bone and tympanic bullae changes.