Exposición a violencia de los usuarios y satisfacción laboral en el personal de enfermería de los hospitales públicos de la Región de Murcia
- Galián Muñoz, I.
- Llor Zaragoza, P.
- Ruiz Hernández, J.A.
- Jiménez-Barbero, J.A.
ISSN: 1137-6627
Year of publication: 2018
Volume: 41
Issue: 2
Pages: 181-189
Type: Article
More publications in: Anales del sistema sanitario de Navarra
Background. Manifestations of physical and psychological violence can affect the levels of job satisfaction. The objective of this study is to determine the frequency of exposure to user violence by the nursing staff in public hospitals in the region of Murcia and its relationship with their level of job satisfaction.Methods. Cross-sectional descriptive study through a self-administered and anonymous questionnaire sent to the nursing staff of the public hospitals in the region of Murcia (1,489 professionals). The instruments used were the Hospital Aggressive Behaviour Scale-Users (HABS-U) to rate violence and the Overall Job Satisfaction (OJS) to assess job satisfaction.Results. Most workers (71%) reported suffering at least one of the manifestations of non-physical violence and 19.9% one of the physical manifestations with at least an annual frequency. Mean extrinsic satisfaction was 30.1 (SD=6.9), being coworkers the factor with higher frequency of satisfied workers (68.2%) and how the company was managed the factor with more dissatisfied workers (28.8%). Intrinsic satisfaction was lower (25.5, SD=7.2), being variety of tasks the factor with more satisfied workers (51.7%) and promotion opportunity the one with more dissatisfied workers (22.4%). Both extrinsic and intrinsic satisfaction correlated inversely with the exposure to non-physical and physical violence (higher exposure to violence lowered job satisfaction).Conclusions: In general, the scores for nurses’ job satisfaction were low. One of the aspects affecting this dissatisfaction might be exposure to workplace violence; thus reducing exposure to violence could increase job satisfaction that, in turn, would improve patient care.
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