Los tiempos verbales de la narración en el desarrollo lingüístico de los niños con implante coclear

  1. Sonia Madrid Cánovas
  2. Aldo Fresneda Ortiz
Revista Española de Lingüística

ISSN: 2254-8769

Ano de publicación: 2016

Volume: 46

Fascículo: 2

Páxinas: 91-109

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista Española de Lingüística


In the last few years interest in the development of narrative skills in children with neurotypical and atypical development has increased notably and has become an extremely valuable instrument in the assessment and diagnosis of linguistic disorders (Botting 2007). Our work centers on the analysis of narrations elicited from a group of five 7 to 12 year-old children with cochlear implant whose average hearing age is 7 years (M =7.18) and a group of five normal-hearing children of a similar hearing age (M = 6.98). We analysed the past tenses used to provide textual cohesion. The results obtained from the analysis reveal highly different narrative-linked language structure use by the two groups. Our study notes the conspicuous absence of past tenses in deaf children with cochlear implant, in contrast to the balance between present and past tenses in the normal-hearing children group. Our cautious conclusions from the limited data available is that the less developed nature of narrative skills in the CI group is a consequence of their perceptive, linguistic and interactive restrictions. Nevertheless, further studies are required to help us construct linguistic and pedagogical models that contribute to improving these children’s linguistic development

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