Incidencia de la reciente doctrina del TJUE sobre temporalidad en el empleo público

  1. Sánchez Trigueros, Carmen 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Murcia

    Universidad de Murcia

    Murcia, España


Anales de derecho

ISSN: 0210-539X

Année de publication: 2017

Número: 35

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Anales de derecho


One of the formulas most commonly used by the Spanish Public Administration to cover jobs needed in the provision of strategic services, it is temporary contracts and, within it, access to the figure of the contract of interim, in our labour law, no compensation for damages has been recognised at the time of the extinction by the cause that led to it. Inserting this rule in the frequent cases of extensive duration of these contracts, situations that seem discriminatory occur, not only regarding indefinite workers, but also regarding the rest of temporal modalities that do prepare compensation at the time of termination. In conjunction with one of these assumptions (of Ms. De Diego Porras), the court of justice of the European Union has declared, (Judgment of 14.9.2016, Case C-596/14), that the Spanish legislation ran counter to the principle of equality and non-discrimination between temporary and indefinite workers included in clause 4 of the framework agreement included in Directive 1999/70/EC. The consequences of that Community decision, as they are emphasising academic doctrine and the courts of Justice, appear to exceed the scope of the interim, to achieve general solutions. We are at a key moment for the future of recruitment in Spain, not only in the field of the public, which has to intervene, with pressure and decisively the legislature. In the meantime, legal operators perform their work.

Références bibliographiques

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  • ROJO TORRECILLA, Eduardo (El Blog de Eduardo Rojo, jueves 20 de octubre de 2016. «Contratos de interinidad, contratos para obra o servicio, nombramientos temporales de personal estatutario. Los tribunales españoles aplican, con prisas y sin pausas, las sentencias del TJUE. Una nota a la sentencia del TSJ de Andalucía (C-A) de 30 de septiembre de 2016».
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