Especificidad de la CreatividadFigurativa y Científica

  1. Ana Bernal 1
  2. Javier Esparza 1
  3. María-José Ruiz 1
  4. Mercedes Ferrando 1
  5. Marta Sainz 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Murcia

    Universidad de Murcia

    Murcia, España


Electronic journal of research in educational psychology

ISSN: 1696-2095

Year of publication: 2017

Volume: 15

Issue: 43

Pages: 574-597

Type: Article


More publications in: Electronic journal of research in educational psychology


Introduction. This work tackles the question about the nature of creativity as a general vs. domain-specific ability. First we deal with the concept of creativity and then, the main approaches to the debate of generality vs. specificity are exposed Method. A total of 133 students attending 3rd grade of secondary education in Murcia Region (Spain) took part in this research. The assessment instruments were the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking to assess general-figurative creativity and the Hu and Adey's ScientificCreative thinking test to meassure scienific creativity. Also the Diferencial Aptitude Test was used to meassure intelligence. The relationship between figurative-general creativity and scientific creativity was studied from diferent statistical procedures: using correlation analysis, factorial, and using perceptual mapping. Results. The results point out to the independence between both figurative and scientific creativity; further more, we could talk about a task-specific creativity. Discussion or Conclusion. The debate about the generality vs domain specific creativity does have a great effect on the educational practice. Specifically regarding two issuees: a) the type of assessment to identify the students' creative potential, thus deciding which students could be candidates to enter specific gifted and talented programs; b) regarding to how to teach and foster divergent thinking and creativity in our students

Funding information

Este trabajo se ha realizado gracias a la ayuda recibida del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Ref: EDU2014-53646-R).


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