1. Maria Moreno Moya
  2. Jose Luis Munuera Alemán
Universia Business Review

ISSN: 1698-5117

Year of publication: 2014

Issue: 44

Pages: 72-87

Type: Article

More publications in: Universia Business Review


Nowadays, there are many managers who think that creativity and innovation could be a magic formula to the firms survival. In this regard, creativity and innovation are expected to be the answers to the serious problems that firms are undergoing in order to grow, or even to survive. However, is there a consensus on what creativity and innovation are?, How much these two concepts have in common? Are they individual or collective activities? To elucidate these questions in this study we aim to highlight the role of creativity in the new product development by analyzing their influence through four different levels: individual, team, organizational and product level. The empirical study conducted on a multisectorial survey of 207 manufacturing firms, shows the importance of combining creativity at the individual, team and organizational level to develop creative and superior new products.

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