Tasa de extracción de oxígeno en sangre periférica y mortalidad de los pacientes tratados con ventilación no invasiva en urgencias.
- M. Piñero Zapata
- Francisco Avilés Plaza
- Miriam Martinez Villanueva
- César Cinesi Gómez
- Aurelio Luna Maldonado
- Mª. E. Legaz Moreno
ISSN: 1697-638X
Year of publication: 2016
Volume: 13
Issue: 55--56
Type: Article
More publications in: Evidentia: Revista de enfermería basada en la evidencia
Objective: To determine whether tissue oxygen extraction ratio (O2ER) measured in peripheral blood is able to predict mortality in patients treated with non-invasive ventilation in the emergency department for acute respiratory failure or chronic exacerbations. Methods: A cohort of 59 patients admitted to the acute respiratory failure and treated with non-invasive ventilation. Results: The cutoff for O2ER able to better predict 30-day mortality was 0.38. This is equivalent to 38% of the O2ER (sensitivity of 77.8%, specificity of 82% and AUC of 0.771). Conclusions: The O2ER measured in peripheral blood appears to be a noninvasive useful marker and easy to get able to predict mortality in patients treated with NIV in the ED for acute respiratory failure or chronic exacerbations regardless of source.